Shows I have worked on

I provided 1:1 support to the host of this podcast, helping shape a forward plan for the show and doing basic edits

Out There is an award-winning podcast in the USA, exploring big questions through intimate stories in the great outdoors. I wrote and produced an episode 'The "privilege" to choose'

The headline show from Broccoli Productions, I was brought on as Producer for the 2022 'Pride' series, editing audio, organising scripts and liaseing with contributors.

I was the Producer on the BUILD by Broccoli Productions, creating classes with some of the biggest names in the audio industry.

One of the BBC Sounds Audio Lab shows, I helped Talia Randall with some initial research and provided contacts for individuals creating change outdoors

I worked as Assistant Producer for this large international production, writing initial scripts, organising assets, transcribing audio and liaising with contributors

Ochenta Stories was an award-winning and New York Times recommended podcast. I wrote, performed and recorded the English version of 'Pierogi' and produced the translation and recording of the Polish version

I have edited a number of episodes of this series, including the current S3

This was my first podcast, a storytelling and interview podcast sharing stories of what it's like to take part in adventure and outdoor living with epilepsy. Producer, host, editor, writer

I edit several episodes of the Kinjaz podcast whilst working freelance for Broccoli Productions.

The Everyday Adventure Podcast is part of the Tremula Network. I am the Editor on the show.

On The Outside is part of Tremula Network - I am the producer, host and sometimes editor of this podcast

I have been editor on this show since season 2

I did edits and audio cleaning of a number of episodes in season 2 whilst working freelance for Broccoli Productions
Click to play my showreel
START - 1.36 - ‘Hope’ (2022) - a short audio piece taken from the Wild For Scotland episode ‘Creature of the Sea‘ - was awarded a commendation at the Climate Creatives Challenge #02. Series Co-Producer, Editor, Sound Design.
1.37 - 2.38 -'It's time for the outdoor sector to talk about money...' (2022) was recorded on-site at the Outdoors Connection for On The Outside. Series Producer, on-site recording, editing, mixing.
2.39 - 'Keening: The Song Before The Strand' (2024) is a sizzle reel for the Whickers Podcast Pitch. This was a highly Commended entry in the 2024 awards. Executive Producer, mixing, sound design.
4.11 - 4.46 - Seize Your Adventure, 'I Am A Runner' (2019) written and voiced by Amanda Plomp, remotely produced. Series Producer, Editor, sound design.
4.48 - 5.34 - Equal Too: A Rising Phoenix Podcast was made in co-production with Stripped Media and Harder Than You Think. This is clip comes from 'The Hunt For Employment Equality' (2021). Scripting, quote pulling.
5.36 - 7.15 - Seize Your Adventure, 'The Outdoor Mindset' (2019) was my first journalistic-style episode, created in collaboration with Outdoor Mindset. A mixture of on-site recording, voicenotes and narration. Series Producer, Writer, Editor, sound design, narration.
7.18 - 8.02 - Out There, 'The 'Privilege' to Choose' (2019). Writer, Narrator, Editor, sound design.
8.38 - END - Seize Your Adventure, 'Mind Over Mountains' (2019) written and voiced by Jake Quigley, remotely produced. Series Producer, Editor, sound design