I'm very happy to announce that I have a chapter in The Bigger Book of Yes: 22 Stories of Adventure. The BBOY was written by members of the YesTribe and edited by Jon Doolan to raise money for the Teddington Trust.
I would describe myself as indoor/outdoor person. A hobbit who likes to read, then travel on adventures myself. I want to see mountains, and then find somewhere quiet to finish my book. This is why I find myself quite at home working in a public library... (although my library is not often quiet and we have very little time! I’m more often helping people on PCs or photocopiers, or with parking permits or other council services than I am recommending titles tbh...)
My path will always involve books, and writing. And having my chapter in The Bigger Book of Yes, and alongside other stories of adventure, it feels true to me. 'Travelling Under an Upside-down Sky' tells the story of my first big 'Yes!' moment, the time I flew out to New Zealand as a naive eighteen-year old. I went there to hike, kayak, climb up things, jump off said things and spend some time doing conversation work for the Waipoua Forest Trust. But this chapter is just the beginning of that bigger story that will (one day) be told.
We had a small launch at Surbiton library where myself and some of the other writers read part of their stories. Reading some of my stories in a corner of the library for other members of the YesTribe felt quiet homely. Thank you Jon for putting the book together, and for such a great cause.